Monday, 17 April 2017


We are ready for the 3rd term!
But, first of all, let us wish you a 

Here we show you how we celebrated in 
3rd Grade- through games and culture - with our particular 
'Easter egg hunt'.

We practised all the Science contents in a competition, and
when we finished we played the Easter egg hunt,
because we did it pretty good and we deserved it.

We finished the term in a very fun way, so let's start the new one
with energy and having fun as well!

See you tomorrow!

Preparats pel tercer trimestre? Nosaltres, sí!!!!!
Però abans de començar, volem desitjar-vos una
Bona Pasqua
i aprofitar per mostar-vos com vam celebrar-la els alumnes de 3r.
Vam aprofitar tot el que hem après a Science per
practicar fent competicions per equips; i, ho vam fer tan bé que...
vam poder gaudir d'una recompensa ben merescuda:
La cacera dels ous de Pasqua!

Ànims pel tercer trimestre, famílies!