Tuesday, 24 June 2014


The school year has finished and the students from 6th grade are waiting their end of year trip to Port Aventura. They have created a role play simulating that they are in Port Aventura having fun!

El curs escolar s' ha acabat i els alumnes de 6è estan esperant el seu viatge de final de curs a Port Aventura. Ells han creat un diàleg simulant que ja han arribat a Por Aventura i s' ho estan passant d' allò més bé!

6è A

6è B


CINDERELLA (4th grade)

Hi families!

We are about to finish the school year and the pupils from 4th grade had prepared during the last weeks a classical play:" Cinderella". I want to thank all the parents for their collaboration, providing us costumes and stuff for the presentation. It was a success! Happy summer holidays!

Hola famílies!

Estem a punt d' acabar el curs i els alumnes de 4t han preparat durant les darreres setmanes una obra de teatre clàssica " Cinderella" (La Ventafocs". Vull agraïr a tots els pares la seva col.laboració, proporcionant-nos vestuari i material per a la presentació. Va ser un èxit! Bones vacances d' estiu!

4t A