Thursday, 1 May 2014

THE VERY HUNGRY CATERPILLAR (Infant Education and 1st Grade)


How is this break going? 
We have more news! Do you remember The very hungry caterpillar? We worked on that storytelling in Infant Education during the first term of this year. We did lot of activities in relation with it. So, now you will have the opportunity to hear the story and enjoy it with family! Why? Because in our town library are performing the story. Here you have some information:

On Friday 9th of May, out of school timetable, at 6 p.m. in Jordi Rubió i Balaguer Library there's a storytelling time: The very hungry caterpillar, in collaboration with The Big Ben School.
The entry is free of charge, and you don't need the library card or to sign previously.

Hola a tots i totes!

Com va aquest pont?
Tenim novetats! Recordeu The very hungry caterpillar? Amb els més petits vam treballar amb aquest conte durant el primer trimestre d'aquest any. Vam dedicar moltes activitats a aprendre d'aquest cuc tan golafre. I, ara teniu l'oportunitat de rememorar i gaudir en família d'aquesta història! Perquè ara, a la biblioteca de Sant Boi, representaran el conte. Aquí us deixem la informació:

Divendres 9 de maig, fora d'horari escolar, a les 18h, a la biblioteca Jordi Rubió i Balaguer hi ha l'hora del conte en anglès (a la sala d'actes): The very hungry caterpillar (El cuc que tenia molta gana). L'entrada és lliure i gratuïta, no es necessita tenir el carnet de la biblioteca ni inscriure's prèviament.

Here we post some pictures to remember how The very hungry caterpillar work was.
Deixem unes quantes fotos de com va ser treballar el conte The very hungry caterpillar, per recordar...

Thank you!! See you soon!
Gràcies!  :) Fins aviaaaaat!

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