How is
it going?
we post Martí's birthday celebration!! He brought us a wonderful book as a
present to his class, The
day the crayons quit. And it was a really amazing experience the
storytelling time we could spend together. They were incredibly fascinated with
the book! We also did an activity related with it, "MY FAVOURITE
COLOUR". And they just had to choose their favourite crayon and draw
something with it, taking into account what the story said, leave the little
colours resting.
course, we have some pictures. And we take profit of this blog to show them to
We hope
you spent a nice Birthday!
Hola de nou!
Com va tot?
l'entrada la dediquem al Martí de P3! Va ser el seu aniversari, i va regalar a
la classe un llibre en anglès! The
day the crayons quit (El dia
que els colors van protestar). Va ser, realment, una experiència increïble que
vam poder viure tots junts. Van quedar fascinats amb la història. Després vam
poder fer una activitat relacionada, on havien de decidir-se pel seu color
preferit, tenint en compte el conte.
I, tenim
imatges!!!! I, aprofitem per ensenyar-vos-les!
Esperem que
l'aniversari anés molt i molt bé!
Una abraçada!
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