Friday, 21 March 2014


Our 4th grade students were in a supermarket. They wrote a dialogue in which there is a shop assistant and a lost customer. They design lots of questions in order to find all the products they needed in English. They  are great actors!

Have a look at their videos. Enjoy!

Els nostres alumnes de 4t van estar a un supermercat. Van escriure un diàleg en el qual hi havia un botiguer i un client perdut. Han formulat un munt de preguntes en anglès, per tal de trobar tots els productes que necessitaven.Són uns actors fantàstics!

Feu una ullada als vídeos. Gaudiu!

Friday, 14 March 2014


Our 5th grade students are taking part of a project, in which they have correspondance with pupils from a school in London. They started this experience in the first term and they are enjoying and improving their English very much.

Here you have a video with some photos of the project.


Els nostres estudiants de 5è formen part d' un projecte en el qual tenen correspondència amb una escola de Londres. Van començar aquesta experiència el primer trimestre i estan gaudint i millorant l' anglès molt.

Aquí teniu un video amb fotos del projecte.


Sunday, 9 March 2014


Good afternoon!!!
Carnival is over... oooh!! So, it's time to work hard again!
In second grade we are working with the English Portfolio, as in the first term. But, this term is a little bit different; we are starting writing simple sentences!!!! Yihaa!
In a few days you will have it at home to practice because as you know assessing time is almost here!
So, we link the contents that portfolio should have in order to ensure you have all in yours.

Bona tarda!
El carnaval ja ha acabat!!!! I, ara el que toca és tornar a posar-se les piles per a treballar!
Com ja sabeu, a segon de primària, vam començar en el primer trimestre amb un English Portfolio, doncs bé, durant aquest trimestre seguirem amb ell, però aquesta vegada no hi farem només vocabulari, sinó que escriurem les nostres primeres frases! (frases curtetes i senzilles) Quines ganeees!!
En  uns dies tindreu el Portfolio a casa per poder practicar i estudiar!
Per això, us deixem el link amb tot allò que, de moment, el portfolio ha de contenir.